Summary: Every Boy's Got One is the third and final of the 'Boy' series by Meg Cabot featuring the staff at the illustrious New York Journal. The story is conveyed through emails, instant messaging, letters, journals - any form of communication involving the written word. This instalment follows romantic cartoonist Jane Harris and her account of her best friend's elopement to Italy and the barriers she faces through the form of marriage-hating best man Cal Langdon.
Opinion: This book, while not my favourite from the series, is a great read. The Italian setting is lovely, and this is definitely the most 'provocative' of the three books in terms of content. It gives a very basic argument for and against marriage, and throughout the book both arguments develop until one reigns victorious. It also portrays the romance of Italian countryside not so much through description as experience - a very refreshing change of pace from NYC. A very enjoyable read.
Opinion: This book, while not my favourite from the series, is a great read. The Italian setting is lovely, and this is definitely the most 'provocative' of the three books in terms of content. It gives a very basic argument for and against marriage, and throughout the book both arguments develop until one reigns victorious. It also portrays the romance of Italian countryside not so much through description as experience - a very refreshing change of pace from NYC. A very enjoyable read.
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
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