Summary: The Boy Next Door is the first of the 'Boy' series by Meg Cabot featuring the staff at the illustrious New York Journal. The story is conveyed through emails, instant messaging, letters, journals - any form of communication involving the written word. This instalment follows the NYJ's Gossip columnist Mel Fuller and the journey she takes to find love and become a 'real news' columnist.
Opinion: The three books can be read as a collection, but can also stand alone due to the individual context and characters that make each book unique. The intriguing format of the novel is what draws the reader in - it's oddly relaxing not having to deal with 'description' - so much is left to the imagination, or nothing at all if you're lazy enough. Following the story you feel as though these are real people you know, and somewhat ironically it builds the suspense of the story as well as pages and pages of description might. The actual plot of the book is intriguing and well thought out, and while it's not exactly a challenging or thought provoking read, it is light, fluffy, dramatic and all things you expect from good chick lit (and Meg Cabot).
Opinion: The three books can be read as a collection, but can also stand alone due to the individual context and characters that make each book unique. The intriguing format of the novel is what draws the reader in - it's oddly relaxing not having to deal with 'description' - so much is left to the imagination, or nothing at all if you're lazy enough. Following the story you feel as though these are real people you know, and somewhat ironically it builds the suspense of the story as well as pages and pages of description might. The actual plot of the book is intriguing and well thought out, and while it's not exactly a challenging or thought provoking read, it is light, fluffy, dramatic and all things you expect from good chick lit (and Meg Cabot).
Rating: ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
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